Westerham U3A

Westerham U3A
13th March 2pm Westerham Hall, Quebec Avenue, Westerham, UK
Join us to listen to Mark Bathurst presenting the History and Restoration of Paddle Steamer Medway Queen. Open Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month in Westerham Village Hall, Quebec Avenue, Westerham at 2pm and all are welcome to enjoy an interesting talk, meet old and new friends and enjoy tea/coffee and cake. We also hold a coffee morning at the same venue at 10.30am on the first Wednesday of the month, to which all are welcome. We offer an amazing selection of interest groups and you can join as many as you can manage; full details are available on our website westerhamu3a.org Our yearly subscription is only £20 or £35 for a joint membership – excellent value for money. Do come and join us – application form is available on the website.

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