Myalgic Ncephalopathy
12th September
Myalgic Ncephalopathy
Community Talks in Herne bay (3.15pm-4.15pm) Physical Sciences: Myalgic Ncephalopathy (ME) with Dr Hugh Robertson-Ritchie, Philosophy PHD Student at the University of Kent and former General Medical Practitioner. Uncertainties about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalopathy (CFS/ME) bring about disputes and injustices. Dr Robertson-Ritchie will be asking why is the disabling condition CFS/ME so controversial and disputed? And, why do those with this condition suffer injustice from medical practitioners, work colleagues, family, and friends? We don’t know the cause and there’s no cure yet. What actually is it? Somepeople claim it is a physical condition, others claim it is a psychological condition. Taking a philosopher’s rather than a doctor’s approach, Dr Robertson-Ritchie claims that the controversies and injustices are because of our lack of knowledge about CFS/ME, but they are exacerbated by inappropriate claims of knowledge. For details and to book a place ring Tel: 07919978883