Community Talks in Herne bay
6th June
Community Talks in Herne bay
(2.15pm-4.15pm) HISTORY: EDWARD VI, LADY JANE GREY AND MARY I, 1547-1558 – TROUBLED TIMES? With Professor Ken Fincham, Lecturer in Early Modern History at the University of Kent. Edward VI and Mary I have usually had a poor press compared to their illustrious predecessor (Henry VIII) and successor (Elizabeth I), and their reigns are sometimes described as the ‘mid-Tudor crisis’. But is this a fair description and how do we best account for the difficulties that both encountered? How much of it is down to the rule of a boy king followed by the first female monarch? And how do we explain the attempt to usurp the throne by Lady Jane Grey between the two reigns? It is a fascinating period of tension and also significant change, which points to stability and continuity as much as upheaval and broken times. For details and to book a place ring Tel: 07919978883