Gravesend & Dartford Friendship Club
Gravesend and Dartford Friendship Club We are a social club of around 30 members, we meet on the 3rd Tues of every month @ the Riverhall Pavilion in Hayes road Stone; from 1.30pm until 4.oopm. At our meetings we arrange speakers to talk on various subjects including speakers from our national organizations ( Police-Fire Brigade-RJNLI-Local Care homes- and hospices Charities- Air Ambulance) The cost of the speakers has increased over the years and we are now finding it difficult to fund this facility. We have applied and have been successful in our applications for funding from local councillors or we would have had to close but we do need more members from the Stone and Swanscombe area. We also have a pub lunch once a month. more details from Charlie Hartfield Chairman, 01322 227886 or
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