Faversham Group The Arts Society
The Arts Society (previously NADFAS) is the UK’s leading arts education charity **WE DON’T PAINT!** We bring people together through a shared curiosity for the arts and enjoy talks on a fascinating range of topics for example “History of Cartoons”, “Mayan Culture”, “Turner vs.Constable”; outings to galleries and historic houses, and an elegant annual Society Dinner at the Golf Club. The Faversham group are a welcoming society of people that meet 10 times a year to hear expert speakers share their specialist knowledge about the arts, with the aim of learning about, and preserving our artistic heritage.
Meetings are held at The Alexander Centre, 17 Preston Street, Faversham, ME13 8NZ on the 4th Thursday of the month. Coffee is served at 10:20 for an 11am start. Visitors are very welcome for a small fee.
Please contact Maureen Bush, Membership Secretary:
tolly@clara.co.uk or visit our website www.theartssocietyfaversham.org.uk