Brassed off with Kemsing Players
28th – 30th Aril
Brassed Off
This year is Kemsing Players’ 70th anniversary and we wanted to start it off with something a little different. Our planned April production of “Brassed Off” certainly fits the bill. This will be the first time we have involved a brass band in our productions and we are excited to introduce the 17th Tonbridge Scout and Guide band to our stage.
Performances will be held in St Edith Hall, High St, Kemsing from Thursday to Saturday, April 28th-30th 2022 at 8 pm with a matinee on the Saturday afternoon at 2.30 pm. You can buy your tickets (£10, concessions £8) in person at Dynes Rd Dry Cleaners, Kemsing from Monday 4th April, or email or telephone 07811 465061 from the same date.