wHoo Cares CIC

wHoo Cares is a local not-for-profit community organisation which supports vulnerable and socially isolated people on the Hoo Peninsula. We work hard to not only to reduce social isolation but to strengthen communities on the peninsula and we do this, in part, by encouraging our Partners (clients) to engage in local activities and by having an invaluable team of volunteer Community Supporters. Some examples of the support we provide includes telephone befriending, befriending in the community or driving Partners to community activities, shops and medical appointments.  wHoo Cares has been serving the needs of those on the peninsula for almost 5 years. We are growing every month and we have had some fantastic results from our work. We currently support approximately 150 Partners and have 55 active volunteer Community Supporters.  For more information email volunteer@whoocares.org.uk see www.whoocares.org.uk or ring 01634 272138

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