Rainham & District Dollshouse and Miniaturist Group
- 01634 264295
- rainhamdhkent@gmail.com
- https://m.facebook.com/rainhamdollshouseandminiaturistgroup/?ref=bookmarks
Rainham and District Dollhouse and Miniaturist group meet last Thursday of each month in the Howard hall, Woodside Way, Wigmore, at 7.30 for 8.00pm start. ach month with the aim of like minded people to get together and make and chat about dollhouses of all scales and to encourage the hobby of dollhouse and miniaturist. We a nice friendly group of people and welcome new members to enjoy the hobby. Ring 01634 264295 email Rainhamdhkent@gmail.com or see m.facebook.com/rainhamdollshouseandminiaturistgroup/?ref=bookmarks
for more details.
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