Mid Kent Social
Mid Kent Social is for those that are looking to widen their circle of friends, meet new people and participate in diverse and many affordable activities.Our events range from short walks around a town centre or River with coffee and cake after, through to long country rambles, theatre and cinema occasions, National Trust sites, days out to coastal towns or villages plus much more. The group is very friendly and is aimed at the 30s – 50s plus age group, but younger and older members are more than welcome. What are you waiting for? Sign up now! Jump on board and we are sure this group will work for you. Its £3 per year to join and won’t cost you a penny other than those events which have costs such as entrance fees, ‘information packs’ or travel costs. The majority of our events are free with no costs.
Ring 07957 599014 email colinclifford@aol.com or see www.meetup.com/Mid-Kent-Social for details.
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